Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog!!

So yeah… back to school, huh? I know you’re not that excited about it. But we have to be excited you know, there’s a lot of human beings that can’t go or can’t afford going to school and doesn’t have any type of education. Because of the money and the place where they live. We have to consider ourselves lucky. Knowledge is power. And education makes you a cultivated person. There isn’t anything better than that. Think about it please. But this post isn’t going to be an inspiring text, it’s going to be about how to get better grades at school. What can we do to improve our grades and our study habits.

Would you like to know my tips ? Keep reading!!

  1. Listen to your teachers. When you’re sitting in lecture, actually listen to your teachers.  If you listen in every class you will have a lot of learnt and you won’t need to study harder at home. Take notes while they’re talking because sometimes they drop hints and flat out tell you that a certain piece of information will be on the test or something he discusses won’t be!
  2. Work your hardest. It’s obviously, if you want the best mark go for it and work hard until you get it and feel proud about it. But don’t get stress, if you can’t get it maybe next time, don’t give up! You know it’s okey to fail sometimesimg_5661
  3. Study EVERYDAY. Don’t leave studying to the last minute. Trying to jam a semester’s woth of information into your head in a few hours is not the definiton of success. Yo have to study consistently even when you don’t need to study. Just a little bit everyday
  4. Plan your time. Just plan plan plan. Plan to study. Plan to read. Plan to workout. Plan times to go out. Plan time for doing laundry. Plan them out and stick to your schedule!  BE ORGANIZE img_5683
  5. Study in the right place. By this I mean… not in your bed please. I know it can be so comfortable but it doesn’t help you to get focused. You need a quite space, private, clean and organize. It can be your desk or a library
  6. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.Straight A students aren’t intimidated by teachers and they’re not afraid to admit that they don’t know everything. You have to know how to ask if you need it. Getting help from a teacher can not only help you understand things better, but it also shows your teachers that you’re trying and making a real effort
  7. Make a study playlist. Personally, I like listening to classical music when I study, which is strange but I don’t like listening to songs that there’s a singer in it, I can’t be focused enough img_5680
  8. Rewrite your notes. I think rewritting your notes is the best way to actually learn them. I’ve found this to be more beneficial than plain rereading my notes
  9. Teach a friend or family member the information. Assume the teacher role! If you try to explain you’re going to need to know the information pretty well.
  10. Speak out loud when you’re reading the topic that you’re studying and record it with your phone. You can listen to it while you’re going to bed or having a walk img_5681
  11. Take breaks. No one can study effectively for 5 hours straight. Study for 20 minutes and take a 5 minute break and then go at it again. You can exercice, check your social media, have a snack… I found an app called POMODORO which really helps me to controle this breaks and the time to study
  12. Put homework and school first. It should always come before hanging out with friends and everything else like watching my blog , hehe. You have to prioritize! This will ensure that you get it done and then you can reward yourself by going out with friends or watch the last episode of your favourite series
  13. DON’T PROCRASTINATE. I know this is easier said than done, and I’m very guilty of this, but I have found that when I don’t put off assignments I am less stressed and more prepared! Instead of wasting your time and doing things to just past time, it is good to go ahead and get all done. You will thank yourself later and you will not have to worry about it anymore!img_5660
  14. Use a colour code to break down your topics. Use makers and post-its notes to group relevance information together in. It will help you memorize everything faster
  15. Eat healthy food that fuels your brain. Food like apples, walnuts, energy bites and blueberries can improve your ability to focus, retain information and remain mentally alert img_5667
  16. Avoid any distraction. Turn off your phone and hide it and check your social media only during break time

Here are my favourite tips to study!! Let me know which is the one that works the best for you 🙂

The harsh reality is that we are our own worst enemy, so if you don’t make an effort to change something that isn’t working or that you want to improve, then you can’t expect to do better. GO FOR IT!

Best wishes and good luck for your exams,





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